Here's a public service announcement related to the proposed new cell towers in Glenville from a District 9 RTM and Pemberwick/Glenville Neighborhood Association member, and one who diligently works to mobilize the Western side of town to participate in public affairs.
My apologies for failing to include in the news blast yesterday the clearly understood concern about the T-Mobile proposal to install a "Cell Tower" (actually 2 antennas) in a potentially dangerous location in Glenville.
Glenville School PTA co-presidents Donna Curtis and Gina Furano have a good job of informing all residents of the concern that this installation is much too close to Glenville School. And Schools PTA Council President, Glenville resident Sue Rodgers has led the global charge against cellphone transmission installations in close proximity to any schools.
The point of this message is the same as for other concerns - Public input can make difference. Our citizen-based Town government provides opportunity for the public to be heard, and in fact, to guide decisions. Reportedly, the last two P&Z hearings on the Cell Town proposed near No. Mianus School produced SRO crowds, and the P&Z voted unanimously to recommend another location be sought for that one.
Unlike the No. Mianus proposal, the Glenville installation can actually be killed by a P&Z decision. However, P&Z has an obligation to consider the proposal fairly, so it is critical that they are faced again by a packed house. The public hearing is on the P&Z agenda for Tues. July 7, beginning at 7 pm.
Please attend if you can, and if you can't I will record email comments and pass them on to the P&Z.
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Pasted below for convenience is the "calendar" (including one date correction) for PGA Citizen input.
Great day :)
Glenville T-Mobile installation - P&Z Public Hearing, Tues. July 7, 7 pm - Town Hall Meeting Room
Variances for CVS/Bank/Office at Holly Hill Hole - PZBA Public Hearing, Weds. July 8, 8 pm - Town Hall Cone Room
Sale of Town land parcel along Holly Hill Hole - Board of Selectmen, Thurs. July 9, 10 am - Town Hall Meeting Room